Admirate embarked on a groundbreaking project to introduce the Dutch concept of Herbergier to Norway, a specialized home designed for individuals with memory impairments. Our mission was to support the establishment and growth of Herbergier in the Norwegian market, focusing on generating leads and marketing the concept to potential residents and their families. Despite facing budget constraints, our team successfully executed a comprehensive marketing strategy that combined digital and print media, significantly exceeding our lead generation targets and facilitating the move-in of several residents.
The main challenges included establishing a new concept in a market unfamiliar with Herbergier, generating sufficient leads with limited resources, and effectively marketing to a specific target audience. We aimed to not only introduce Herbergier but also to communicate its unique value proposition in a compassionate and understanding manner, ensuring the message reached and resonated with families seeking care options for loved ones with memory impairments.
Our comprehensive marketing strategy targeted not only private individuals but also health professionals, media outlets, and governmental bodies.
Our approach was multifaceted, leveraging both digital and traditional marketing channels to maximize reach and impact:
Developed targeted advertising campaigns that carefully balanced budget constraints with the need for wide visibility.
Created engaging content that highlighted the benefits and unique aspects of the Herbergier living experience, ensuring it was distributed across both digital platforms and print media.
Produced physical marketing materials, including banners, to enhance local visibility and awareness of Herbergier.
Engaged in weekly marketing meetings to ensure strategies were responsive, adaptive, and continuously optimized based on real-time feedback and performance metrics.
The campaign is a resounding success, marked by:
Getting a significant number of leads, surpassing initial targets and expectations.
The successful move-in of several residents, indicating the effectiveness of our marketing efforts in not just generating leads but converting them into tangible outcomes.
Positive reception of the marketing materials and strategy, reinforcing Herbergier’s position as a compassionate and innovative option for individuals with memory impairments in Norway.
Our work with Herbergier underscores the potential to achieve remarkable results through strategic marketing, even when faced with limited budgets. It highlights Admirate’s ability to launch and establish innovative concepts in new markets, driving growth and facilitating meaningful impact on the lives of individuals and their families.